Sound Library - Static and Radio Transmissions
Posted: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 by Dylan Benson in Labels: Post Audio, Review, Sound Design, Sound Library, Soundtrack
have once again released another top quality, yet low priced sound library for
you. This time it’s all about
noise! Static and radio
transmissions. This actually came about
when DB Productions was working on a video that had many digital distortion
edits. Seeing the distortion on the
screen looked pretty cool, but it definitely needed a sound. Enter, this library.
This library has fifty-three (53) different sounds. Not only is that a bunch to begin with, but arranging them together in different way can give you endless sound effects. There are both digital static sounds, and analog sounds at your disposal. For the radio transmissions, there are four different voices including male and female with English lines, and even some Russian thrown in for fun!
if you need short hits for your distorted video or long soundscapes for a radio
in the background of your video game, this library has it. There are multiple fast static hits, medium
crackles and garbles, and even a three minute long soundscape of static, noise,
and radio transmissions.
So many
libraries like this go for over $100 (USD), but this one is only $19.95. Yup.
That’s it.
Download your copy
today! It doesn’t cost anything to
click the link; it just brings you to the store.
a suggestion for a sound library you want?
Let me know in the comment section below, and we’ll see what we can
do! Don’t forget to check out our Sound Library
Page for more libraries available to download.