Misophonia: A Serious Medical Condition
Posted: Friday, January 18, 2013 by Dylan Benson in Labels: Science
No one likes the sound of nails on a chalkboard right? It makes you cringe, cover your ears, and ask
why someone did that. Now what if you
feel even worse than that every day, but to an extensive amount of day to day
sounds? What if you become angry, get
headaches, cry, or slam your head into the wall saying “make these sounds go
away”? While this may sound like a crazy
person, it’s actually a disorder called misophonia.
Now, I am not a medical professional, so take this only as information
and not medical advice. Misophonia is literally,
“the hatred of sound”. And no, I did not
make this up. People with misophonia can
become enraged by a simple auditory trigger.
These “triggers” are things we all hear in our day to day lives:
texting, chewing, pen tapping, laughing, and the like. When people with misophonia hear these
triggers, they cannot help the feelings of anger, emotional distress, and/or anxiety
they feel.